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Reproduction Furniture Website Comparison
Where to start?
It is standardized in this decade the WWW (.com) is absolutely a fantastic place to purchase ( lots of great deals!) practically all sorts of products as well as to fulfill all of your shopping daily needs with a mouse click away. Luxury items such as fancy furniture s are usually at a discount online than most local walk-in retail stores. As a consumer I would say you should walk into a store, sit on the chairs to feel the fabric/leather to grasp the feel before making the call. However I will admit that having to browse the net for months reading the comparisons, first hand and online purchases myself, the lines begin to blur when you are talking about huge price differences…unless the quality is there fair and square.
Shopping for Mid century reproductions is not like shopping for a television or a car, in that, once you decide on a model to purchase, you can be sure that model will be the same no matter where you decide to buy it. With mid century reproductions, there is a wide variance of quality and accuracy on the market. So, when you are out there searching for a store to purchase your furniture reproductions, you will find several websites selling reproduction products that all look similar, but they are usually either very close to the originals or just nowhere near. Essentially, it boils down to price vs. quality.
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Eames Chair EA 117
This is not even something that I like – it is something that I love! Charles and Ray Eames designed this office chair (with the admittedly not very sexy name Aluminium Group EA 117) in 1958. I know what you are thinking right now – it is a chair. What is the big deal? Well, first of all, I was lucky enough to have one at work for a while, and it is the most comfortable chair I ever sat in. Which still only makes it a chair – albeit a comfortable one.
However, what distinguishes it from almost any other item of furniture is the timelessness of the design. The first versions were built more than 50 years ago, and it still looks like something from the future! Today, the chair is exclusively manufactured by Vitra in Switzerland. Oh, and it comes with a 30(!) year warranty. Talk about trust in your own product…
Lounge Chair” 1956, Charles Eames
El sillón Eames nació como regalo personal a un amigo director del diseñador y se ha convertido en uno de los símbolos del diseño de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Es una estructura de contrachapado y la zona cómoda de piel, de acuerdo con principios ergonómicos de la época, también viene acompañada por la otomana complementaria para que la experiencia sea totalmente relajante y el director pueda embeberse en su mundo de inspiración e ideas.
Se compone de un asiento ancho y un respaldo de dos partes inclinadas que proporciona una inmediata sensación de confort. La silla ha sido un punto de referencia para el diseño internacional después de la guerra, convirtiéndose en un verdadero icono.
Como habréis podido intuir, las sillas me encantan, pero especialmente hay un modelo que me tiene loca!
Es la Eames Plastic Chair, la versión renovada de la legendaria Fiberglass Chair. Esta silla fue diseñada por Charles Eames (1907-1978) y su esposa Ray, sobre los años 50.
Os presento a Charles y Ray Eames, ¿Los conocíais?
¿No os parece increíble que su diseño se siga viendo de lo más actual y moderno? En mi opinión es un diseño que esta conseguidísimo, porque nunca se verá una silla anticuada, sino todo lo contrario!
Esto es por que tiene un aire entre moderno y cálido, por la combinación de sus patas de madera redondeadas y su asiento de plástico. Además se puede optar por una amplísima selección de bases y gamas de colores, lo que permite utilizar esta silla en infinidad de entornos y que encaje en muchísimos estilos decorativos que entre ellos lo único que tienen en común es la silla eames.